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Blue Print: Don't Just Glow Up, but Grow Up! Devotional

by Mosaic Blogger on May 21, 2024

5 Day Devotional

This five-day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. We will be exploring key themes of divine design, growth, and embodiment of wisdom through daily reflections and scripture. Join us on this journey to spiritually grow like the tree, reaching upward, grounding downward, and expanding outward.


Day 1

James 1:5-6

In a world that often tempts us to seek quick fixes, wisdom is an indispensable treasure God generously offers. As we seek divine wisdom, we must ask with unwavering faith, trusting God as the sole source and letting go of our control. When we open ourselves to God's wisdom, we permit our roots to grasp the unseen strength needed to withstand life's unpredictability.

Immersion in our divinely gifted wisdom transforms us from the inside out. When we grow up in wisdom, we rise to new spiritual heights, embarking on a journey not bound by our limitations but steered by God's boundless vision for us. Let us strive to grow up so we can go up, embracing divine wisdom as our guiding compass.

  • What areas of my life am I seeking wisdom for, and how can I show unwavering faith in these areas?
  • How can I cultivate a heart posture that is open to divine guidance and correction?
  • In what ways can I demonstrate my trust in God's plan, especially when outcomes don't align with my expectations?
  • Pray for increased faith to trust God's timing and wisdom for every situation.
  • Reflect on the blessings that have unfolded from past instances where you chose to trust in Divine wisdom.

Day 2

Jeremiah 17:7-8

To stand firm in turbulent times, we must sink our roots deep into the trust and hope that comes from the Lord. This unwavering trust will not only stabilize but will nourish us, keeping us vibrant and fruitful irrespective of external pressures. As we grow deeper, we gain strength to face the heat and drought that life inevitably brings.

Let our roots delve into the waters of spiritual truth, drawing sustenance that fortifies our soul. Strong roots in God promise stability and an unbroken spirit, no matter the external circumstances. With roots anchored in God's love, we can stand firm and produce the fruits of the Spirit in every season.

  • In what ways am I cultivating trust and hope in the Lord to strengthen my spiritual roots?
  • How can I remain steadfast in my faith when facing the 'heat' and 'drought' of life's challenges?
  • What consistent practices can I introduce to my daily routine to ensure my spiritual roots are reaching deep into God's truth?
  • Pray for the strength to develop deep roots in faith that withstand life's severe tests.
  • Reflect on instances where a strong foundation in God has allowed you to remain fruitful in difficult times.

Day 3

Proverbs 13:20

Our growth is significantly influenced by our company—the wise enrich us with valuable lessons and insights, while fools may divert us from our divine destiny. To grow further, we need to be intentional about surrounding ourselves with individuals who uplift and propel us toward wisdom and truth.

As we seek to grow out and branch into new areas of our lives, we must remember that our expansion is not just for ourselves but to provide shelter, support, and sustenance to those around us. In doing so, our growth becomes more meaningful as we contribute to a community that reflects God's grace and wisdom.

  • How carefully am I selecting the company that surrounds me, ensuring they are people who contribute to my growth?
  • What steps can I take to seek out and cultivate relationships with wise counselors and mentors?
  • How can I, in turn, become a source of wisdom and encouragement for others in my community?
  • Pray for discernment to choose relationships that contribute positively to your spiritual growth.
  • Reflect on the virtues of those around you and ask how you can incorporate those virtues into your own life.

Day 4

Ephesians 5:15-20

Living wisely is a call to vigilance and the thoughtful exercise of our actions in the world. As we are reminded in Ephesians, our time on earth is valuable, and we must use each moment to reflect God's love and grace. Wisdom teaches us to discern our steps, making the most of our time as we illuminate the world with God's goodness.

Our growth stems from gratitude and worship, creating music in our hearts that resonates with sincerity and divine devotion. As we exalt the Lord in all we do, our lives hum with the melodies of wisdom, and our actions harmonize with the rhythm of God's eternal plan.

  • What does living wisely look like in my day-to-day life, and how can I be more intentional with my time?
  • How can I cultivate a heart of gratitude even amidst challenges and uncertainties?
  • In what ways can I contribute to the light of wisdom and knowledge in the community and spaces around me?
  • Pray for a heart filled with songs of praise and thanksgiving, influencing every aspect of your life.
  • Reflect on the joy that comes from acting wisely and how this aligns with God's desire for your life.

Day 5

Psalm 1:1-3

As followers of Christ, we flourish when we plant ourselves firmly in God's Word, shunning the influences that seek to draw us away from the path of righteousness. Our spiritual vitality and fruitfulness are directly linked to our delight in God's Law and our meditation on it day and night.

The image of the blessed tree that shines in Psalm 1 is a reminder of what we can become— steadfast, fruitful, and prospering in all we undertake when rooted in the love of God. As our journey through this devotional comes to a close, let us recommit to being firmly planted in God, allowing His Word to shape and guide every part of our lives.

  • How has immersing myself in God's Word changed my perspective or behavior recently?
  • What practical steps can I take to meditate more deeply on Scripture and integrate its truths into my life?
  • How can I ensure that my 'spiritual leaves' stay green and I remain fruitful in my faith journey?
  • Pray for a renewed zeal for God's Word and a life that overflows with the fruits of your faith.
  • Reflect on your growth during this devotional and consider how you can continue this spiritual momentum in the days ahead.

Tags: love, discipleship, ephesians, christian living, spiritual formation, deconstruction, reconstruction

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