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Blue Print: Love Like That Devotional

by Mosaic Blogger on May 17, 2024

5 Day Devotional

This five-day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. Join us as we explore the transformative power of God's love and the profound insights Paul shares in the book of Ephesians.


Day 1

Ephesians 5:1-2

In the shadow of Mother's Day and the powerful sermon we've heard, let us turn our attention to the unconditional love that God bestows upon us, calling us to emulate it. Reflect on how this love is not bound by obligation or expecting anything in return, but is pure, selfless, and extravagant. As children seek to mirror their parents, we are to look to our Heavenly Father and Christ's example for guidance on how to live this out.

Imagine a world where this kind of love was the norm - where every interaction was steeped in sacrificial love. How might that reshape our communities, our homes, and even the face of our society? This is the love Paul urges us to understand and embody; a love that transcends poetry and becomes our everyday language.

  • What is one way you can show extravagant love to someone in your community this week?
  • In what areas of your life can you be more selfless?
  • How can you make Paul’s call to love 'like that' a part of your daily routine?
  • Pray for awareness to recognize opportunities to love selflessly.
  • Ask God to help you love more like Jesus in all your relationships.

Day 2

Ephesians 5:21

Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ is a profound and counter-cultural directive. It beckons us to reject the hierarchical structures of our society and to instead elevate others as we pursue Christlikeness. This mutual submission is born out of respect and love for Christ, who exemplified the ultimate submission through His sacrificial life.

Such a call demands humility and a willingness to put aside our self-promotion, instead lifting up those around us. True Christian living compels us to consider others' needs alongside, or even above, our own, mirroring the servant-heart of Jesus.

  • In what ways can you practically submit to others in your daily life?
  • How does mutual submission in a community reflect the heart of God?
  • Why is it sometimes difficult to submit to others, and how can you overcome this challenge?
  • Pray for a heart that seeks to serve rather than be served.
  • Ask for strength to practice humility in relationships, especially when it is challenging.

Day 3

Galatians 5:13-14

In Galatians, Paul builds upon the theme of loving like that, clarifying that although we are called to be free, we must not use our freedom to serve ourselves, but to serve others in love. This perspective shifts the way we interact with the world, moving from a focus on personal rights to a relentless pursuit of communal responsibility and care.

By grounding our identity in Christ, we lay down our own agendas in service to others, thus fulfilling the law of Christ. As we reflect God’s heart to the world, we find the true essence of freedom and transformation in love.

  • What does it mean to use your freedom to serve others?
  • Can you recall a time when someone's selfless service made a significant impact on you?
  • How might serving others in love change the dynamic of a difficult relationship?
  • Pray for the courage to embrace true freedom by serving others.
  • Ask the Lord to highlight someone in your life who needs to be served in love this week.

Day 4

Matthew 22:37-39

Jesus himself simplifies all of the Law and the Prophets to two commanding principles: Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. This captures the heart of Christian ethos, where our vertical relationship with God is intimately connected to our horizontal relationships with others. One cannot exist without the other, as they are reflections of the same divine love.

When we love our neighbor, we demonstrate our love for God. This compassion towards others is a tangible expression of the intangible grace we have been shown. In seeking to love our neighbors, we become the hands and feet of Jesus in a broken world.

  • Who is 'your neighbor' that you can actively love more deeply?
  • How does loving God transform the way you love others?
  • What action can you take today to show love to a neighbor in a practical way?
  • Pray for a heart that reflects God’s love for your neighbor.
  • Ask for divine encounters to show love in unexpected ways today.

Day 5

1 John 4:19

We love because He first loved us. This succinct verse conveys a profound truth: our ability to love stems from the love that God has poured into our lives. Recognizing this source is essential to our Christian journey, as it informs our response to others and suggests that our love should be a reflection of God’s original act of love towards us.

Understanding God's love as the catalyst for our own, we're invited to enter into a life of responsive love. This reciprocal dance of divine love changes not only ourselves but ripples outward, affecting those we touch and ultimately the broader world.

  • How does understanding God’s love for you impact your capacity to love others?
  • In what ways can you reflect God's primary love to those in your personal sphere of influence?
  • Reflect on a situation where you felt unloved and how the knowledge of God’s love can transform that experience.
  • Pray that you may grasp how wide, long, high, and deep is the love of Christ.
  • Seek guidance on how to live a life that responds to God’s love by loving others unconditionally.

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