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Women's History Month: Learn about the women who followed Jesus

by Mosaic Blogger on March 01, 2024

5 Day Devotional

This five-day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into Dr. Erika Santiago's bible study of the gospels last year, exploring the profound roles of women in the Bible as models of discipleship and pillars of faith.

Watch the video lesson


Day 1

Luke 10:38-42 (Mary and Martha of Bethany)

As we embark on our journey into the lives of the women who walked with Jesus, we turn our focus to Mary and Martha of Bethany, whose unique stories teach us about the importance of presence and service. Martha, often caught up in the act of serving, reminds us of the need to balance our duties with quiet moments at Jesus's feet. Mary, in her posture of listening, models deep contemplation and the priority of spiritual nurturing over the distractions of the world.

In reflecting on this scripture, consider how their experiences intersect with our own lives. Are we active listeners, hearing and responding to God's voice amid the bustling of our daily tasks? Let Mary's attentiveness and Martha's dedication inspire us to forge a harmonious path of discipleship, rooted in action and reflection.

  • What tasks or concerns are consuming my time and energy, possibly at the expense of spiritual growth?
  • When was the last time I truly sat in silence to listen for God's voice and teachings?
  • How can I cultivate a more balanced spiritual life that honors both listening and serving?
  • Pray for the discernment to recognize moments when we should serve and when we should rest in God's presence.
  • Ask God to help you embrace a heart of both action and contemplation in your walk with Him.

Day 2

Luke 1:38 (Mary, the mother of Jesus)

Mary's example of discipleship begins with her humble expression of servitude: "I am the Lord's servant." This declaration sets the stage for a life of obedience, commitment, and faith. Despite the uncertainty and public scrutiny she must have faced, her unwavering trust in God's plan demonstrates the depth of her faith and the strength of her character.

Today as we look at Mary, let's ponder the magnitude of her 'Yes' to God. She embarked on a journey that changed history, all because of her submission to God's will. Her example challenges us to consider how we can live a life of obedience and willingness to follow God's leading, even when the path seems daunting or unclear.

  • In what areas of my life do I struggle with saying 'Yes' to God?
  • How does Mary's faith challenge my current understanding of obedience and submission?
  • What might God be asking me to trust Him with today, and how can I respond with the same faith as Mary?
  • Pray for the courage to say 'Yes' to God, even in circumstances that seem challenging or uncertain.
  • Ask for the grace to trust God's plans over your own, following Mary's model of humble obedience.

Day 3

John 11:25-26 (Martha's declaration of faith)

We revisit Martha in a moment of profound faith, as she declares her belief in Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God. Even in the face of her brother Lazarus's death, Martha's affirmation of Jesus's identity is both bold and transformative. It is a testament to her growth and understanding of who Jesus is and what He represents.

In this moment, Martha teaches us about unwavering faith. Her proclamation under trial speaks to the core of what it means to know and recognize Jesus's authority, regardless of our circumstances. Let her declaration encourage us to stand firm in our own faith, proclaiming Jesus as Lord even in our own valleys of sorrow and uncertainty.

  • How does Martha's affirmation of Jesus's identity resonate with my own understanding of who He is?
  • What situations in my life have tested my faith, and how did I respond?
  • How can I more boldly declare my faith in Jesus, as Martha did?
  • Pray for the courage to recognize and declare Jesus's lordship in every season of life.
  • Seek strength to maintain a confession of faith when faced with challenges and trials.

Day 4

Luke 8:1-3 (The women who followed Jesus)

The women who followed Jesus were diverse in backgrounds but united in their pursuit of Him and their commitment to the spread of the gospel. Their stories are less often told, but their contributions are immeasurable. These women were witnesses to Jesus's ministry, His crucifixion, and His resurrection, demonstrating a fearless devotion to their Lord.

Today, let's honor the faith of these women by contemplating the ways we can actively participate in God's work. How can we, like them, use our resources and our stories to further His kingdom? Their example beckons us to be courageous, to be present, and to take an active role in living out and sharing the good news.

  • What can I learn from the courage and dedication of the women who followed Jesus?
  • In what ways can I offer my own gifts and resources to support God's work?
  • How can their stories inspire me to become a more active participant in the life of my faith community?
  • Pray for the inspiration and fortitude to follow Jesus as faithfully as the women of the gospels did.
  • Ask God to show you opportunities to serve and to testify to the transformative power of faith in Christ.

Day 5

Galatians 5:22-23 (Fruits of the Spirit)

As we close our devotional, we turn our attention to the fruits of the Spirit, which are evidence of a heart and life transformed by Jesus. Each fruit represents an aspect of God's character that He desires to cultivate within us. They are marks of mature faith, reflecting the inner workings of the Holy Spirit in those who belong to Christ.

Today, let's examine our lives against the standard of these fruits. Are we exhibiting love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control? Do these fruits abound in our interactions, decisions, and responses to the world around us? Look to grow in these areas, knowing that they not only honor God but also draw others to Him.

  • Which fruit of the Spirit do I find most challenging to exhibit, and why?
  • How can I intentionally cultivate the fruits of the Spirit in my daily life?
  • In what ways have I seen the fruits of the Spirit attract others to the message of the gospel?
  • Pray to more fully embody the fruits of the Spirit, reflecting Christ in every aspect of life.
  • Request that God would prune any areas of your life that hinder the growth of these fruits.

Tags: bible, history, women, gospels, devotional, bible study

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