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Discover Your Purpose

Series: We are the Church

August 20, 2023 | Broderick Santiago

Title: We Are The Church: Discover Your Purpose - Pastor Broderick Santiago

Mosaic Church exists to lead people to an authentic relationship with Christ and help them change the world.

God created each person with a purpose, and it is through the journey of discovering that purpose that we find our true selves and our relationship with God. Our suffering and experiences are not in vain; they are tools that God uses to help others and fulfill his plan for humanity. Trusting in God's purpose for our lives allows everything to work together for our good. The speaker emphasizes that God has given each person unique gifts and talents and that these gifts are meant to be used to serve others and bring glory to God. The speaker also highlights the importance of operating in one's gifts even in times of need, as it brings joy and strength. The role of church leaders is to equip and prepare individuals to live out their purpose and fulfill their calling. The text discusses the importance of discovering and activating one's purpose in life. It emphasizes that when a person finds their purpose, it will not feel like work, but rather something they are passionate about. It also highlights that God's gifts and callings are irrevocable, and it is up to individuals to recognize and activate their gifts to make a positive impact on the world and transform themselves in the process.

Series Information

We are the Church.

Know God

Find Freedom

Discover Your Purpose

Make a Difference

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