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The Stewardship Principle Week 3

Series: Stewardship Principle

October 15, 2023 | Broderick Santiago

Deciding to tithe can be challenging when faced with competing financial needs, but it is a way to grow closer to God and trust in His provision. Giving to the work of Christ helps fight covetousness, and tithing strengthens our faith in God's promises. Trusting God with our finances is essential for Christian discipleship and allows us to fulfill His purpose for our lives. The text emphasizes the idea that money should be used to fulfill one's purpose and benefit others, rather than being hoarded or used solely for personal gain. It highlights the importance of living with a sense of purpose and being good stewards of the resources that God has given us. The text also emphasizes that true discipleship involves living a Christlike life in all aspects, including how we treat others and handle our finances. The text discusses the danger of relying on money for security instead of trusting in God, emphasizing the negative effects of the spirit of Mammon. It highlights the need to view money as a tool rather than an answer to problems and to prioritize love and generosity over material possessions. The text also stresses the importance of trusting God with what one has and watching what he can do with what one lacks.

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