Next Steps

Everyone has a next step. What's yours?

We hope our church can be a place where you connect to others and find a home. Here at our church, we believe in the core values of inclusivity and redemption, grace and love and, above all - the transforming power of Christ. We never arrive, but we are all committed to walking the journey together. Our dedicated team would love to connect with you and hear more of your story, and help find the best place for you to flourish.

We're so excited you're interested in learning more about who we are and joining the family!

Next Steps is a 2-step process  

Step One

You’ll hear about our core beliefs, our leadership and church government, how we handle money & how we intentionally organize our church.

Step Two

You'll learn about the unique aspects of your design and how they point to God's purpose for your life. 

Discipleship Training

During our discipleship training class you will learn how to grow spiritually to become a disciple who makes disciples according to Matthew 28:16-20. 

Starting Point: GROUPS

Where you meet the people who will be there for life's big moments.
If you are disconnected from God, you miss out on being the person that you were created to be. Get CONNECTED! Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails" (Proverbs 19:21) Get in a group!

Local Impact: MISSIONS

We have ongoing community outreach events to support our local community during the Covid-19 Crisis. 

Complete this brief form to let us know you would like more details.

Dream Team: SERVE

The Dream Team is a group of incredible people that have discovered their gifts and passions and are actively serving in them.

Sunday Teams

Our Sunday teams are a very important part of our ministry. From the live stream, parking and security, making the coffee, welcoming our guests, children and youth ministry and producing the media for our services. 

Every Sunday about 25 dedicated individuals make our services happen. We can use your talents on one of our teams! 


The Worship team are believers that are called not only to worship the Lord but to facilitate the worship experience, and carry the burden of the worship life of Mosaic Church. 

If you have a passion to worship through your musical skills, reach out to us so we can learn more about you.